Helplines and Free Addiction Support Services
There are many addiction support helplines around the UK that provide help and support to family members, friends and those in the throes of addiction themselves.
Whether you’re a family member who is concerned about a loved one, or you just finished addiction treatment and need further support in your recovery; there are people that you can speak with who can help.
Talk to Frank
Tel: 0300 1236600 to find free local drop-in services in England.
Find out everything you need to know about drugs, their effects and the law. Talk to Frank for facts, support and advice on drugs and alcohol.
Scottish Drug Service
Online directory developed to help people access contact information and details for over 200 agencies in Scotland who can help with drug treatment and care.
Tel: 0141 221 1175 to find free local drop-in services in Scotland.
Dan 24/7
All DAN 24/7 services are available to people who live in Wales. Their 0808 808 2234 helpline is open 24 hours a day, 365 days of the year.
NI Directory
Online directory for drug and alcohol services in Northern Ireland.
Drug Services Ireland
Tel: 017785136 to find free local drop-in services in Ireland
Support Groups
- Alcoholics Anonymous
- Narcotics Anonymous
- Over Eaters Anonymous
- Cocaine Anonymous
- Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous
- Smart Recovery (12 Step Alternative Meetings)
- Free Eating Disorder Support: BEAT
- Free Depression Support: Samaritans
- Free Gambling Support: Gordon Moody
- Gamblers Anonymous
- Gambling Addiction